Find your personal Product — Market Fit

Heet Shah
2 min readJun 14, 2022

Do you feel that you are not a part of the right group?

Do you ever feel that you do not have access to the right people?

If yes, then you are at the right place. A lot of us want to be surrounded by a group of people that are successful in one way or another and we feel that we too can be successful only if we have the right group.

Well let me tell you, you will need to behave like one in order to have friends like one. And fortunately today I have a very scientific and defined method on how you can have the best of people surround you to excel in your progress.

First and the foremost thing that you need to do is define the characteristics or types of people. This is called segmentation

Segments of people

  1. Health Freak
  2. Party Animal
  3. Crazy Lazy
  4. Workaholic
  5. Entrepreneurial
  6. Chill Life

After defining various segments, you need to identify what kind of person you want to be. For example, I personally want to become a health-conscious entrepreneur.

Targeting :

  1. Health Freak
  2. Entrepreneurial


Now that you have understood your characteristics, the third part of this exercise is called positioning which is the most important in finding the right set of group of friends. The positioning has 4 sub-parts that will lead you towards action steps. The 4P’s of Positioning are: Product, Place, Price & Promotion

Let me explain it with my example of becoming a health-conscious entrepreneur that I previously shared.

  • Product: I am the product here. My personality, my aura, and my nature are the product and since I aspire to become a health freak entrepreneur, I should have the characteristics of someone like it.
  • Place: I will be spending most of my time in startup incubators, business owners, pubs where startup folks hang out and gym/yoga studios.
  • Price: This is one of the hardest segments. We all have limited money so spending it on places that will help you achieve your goal is very important. Lot of people that already have a close group but does not satisfy their need tend to find it particularly difficult because being a part of a group demands substantial financial commitment and dedicating it to a place that you are not sure you will find a group is risky for example in my case at a pub where entrepreneurs are or in an overpriced gym.
  • Promotion: lastly your introduction and personality matter a lot. You will meet a lot of people in life and they will only know you from your surface so first it is very important to find who you are and tie it to who you want to become. Doing this will attract the kind of people you want to be a part of.

By following the Segmentation — Targeting — Positioning (STP) and Product- Place — Price — Promotion (4P), you will surely be able to find the Product (yourself ) Market (friend circle) Fit for yourself.

I hope this article was helpful.



Heet Shah

I write experiences, learnings and sometimes random stuff as well.